
In connection with Swecem establishing a new factory for the production of MERIT, a laboratory operation will also be built up. The laboratory will be responsible for production control and will also provide support for Swerock's concrete production linked to the new product.

Swecem has recently strengthened its laboratory operations with a new hire. Malin Hagerman, who was previously employed by SKF in Katrineholm with experience from metallurgical processes and analyzes, has now joined our team. Together with Henry Flisell, technical manager at Swecem with extensive experience of working with metallurgical by-products, the unit will assist production and ensure that all requirements for the product are complied with. Some R&D will continue to be conducted in the future, with a focus on alternative binders. In addition to the production control, the laboratory will also perform a number of analyzes on both concrete, binders and ballast to a certain extent.


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