

Merit is available through the EPCC concept, which allows concrete producers to combine Merit with the cement type Velox Slite to create a custom binder mix. This combination is treated as equivalent to a traditional cement directly from the manufacturer. The EPCC concept gives concrete producers the flexibility to tailor their concrete to custo...


Welcome to contact us at Swecem!


Swecem has a terminal network that makes us comprehensive throughout Sweden and Finland.

Production facility

Swecem's own production facility for GGBS in Oxeloesund will convert slag from SSAB's pig iron production to its own product MERIT.


In connection with Swecem establishing a new factory for the production of MERIT, a laboratory operation will also be built up. The laboratory will be responsible for production control and will also provide support for Swerock's concrete production linked to the new product.

Swecems vd får utökat uppdrag

Peabbolagen Swerock och Peab Asfalt vässar både klimatambitioner och synergimöjligheter inom beläggnings-, ballast- och betongverksamheten genom tillsättningen av två nya chefer. Angelika Bohlin blir vd för Swerock och Peab Asfalt i Sverige och Ludwig Zetterström blir ny COO med nordiskt ansvar för verksamheterna.

Welcome to Swecem

Swecem produces binders with a lower climate impact for the entire concrete industry. We work with the products of the future, which currently include Merit. Our vision and goal are that, in ten years, fully climate-neutral concrete will be available on the Swedish market, and that all concrete in Sweden will be climate-neutral by 2045.







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